Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Why a Kid's Music Class??

Because we have lost our music.  Music that comes from us in our homes, families, and with our friends.  Silly totally unprofessional, social music.  Singing, clapping, and dancing together helps bring us all closer and gives us a way to communicate from the oldest senior to the youngest babies!  This class wold be a way to bring music back into our in-person lives and not just on our phones or the radio.  Music can teach us, comfort us, and make us laugh.  Giving our kids and ourselves this tool to help deal with chores or bedtime, or help in making new friends would end up benefiting us, as much as them.  As would getting together!  Parents in our community do not spend much time together because of work and family demands - a class with kids and parents gives us all a chance - to stretch our social muscles - which is MUCH easier with silly music and clapping to grease the social wheels!

Please keep your questions coming! I totally understand wanting to know EXACTLY
 what you are giving to and WHY!

The donation links were down for a few days but they are back up and you can always email me at gretchenechols@gmail.com or facebook me

Thank you again!

And here's your donation link!

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